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Re: Can someone provide a sensible plan for GNOME in Debian, please? [Was: Bug#158165]

<quote who="Marcelo E. Magallon">

>  >      - should not require piecemeal installation of GNOME 2.x Desktop
>  >        components such as Sawfish and gnome-terminal (they will not
>  >        interoperate correctly - the G2D components are an all-or-nothing
>  >        upgrade)
>  What does "G2D components" mean in this context and why is it an
>  all-or-nothing upgrade.  On the archives of debian-ctte I saw Ian
>  asking this very question but last time I checked there wasn't an
>  answer.

Okay, GNOME has separate releases:

  Developer Platform (libraries with API/ABI consistency)
  Fifth Toe
  Hacker Tools

The G2D components are the ones released with the recent 2.0 Desktop
release, you can see the list here:


When it comes to installing the GNOME 2.0 Desktop, you can't just install,
for example, gnome-terminal, because it doesn't interoperate well with the
1.4 desktop. That's 100% upstream's fault. :-) Basically, you need to
install the GNOME 2.0 Desktop completely, or not at all.

>  >      - must not involve removal of basic GTK+/GNOME libraries, or gnomecc,
>  >        as GTK+/GNOME 1.x software relies on these
>  AFAIUI, noone has considered removing libraries.  The way I read
>  Raphael's jest, he meant removing applications -- which for some reason
>  or another people seem to be fondly attached to.

I hope so - because various applications (stuff in Fifth Toe and Office, or
other stuff outside of GNOME's releases) haven't been ported, such as
Evolution, Abiword, etc. Also, for a sensible migration strategy, you can't
simply 'drop' the 1.x desktop.

>  >      - suggested that libgconf1 is patched to launch gconfd-2 (as in Red
>  >        Hat), and all GNOME 1.x packages change dependencies to gconf2,
>  >        whilst keeping library dependency the same... this should definitely
>  >        be done for sarge (this means that there will be no interoperability
>  >        issues between 1.x and 2.x desktop components and applications wrt
>  >        gconfd)
>  Hmm... something smells fishy there.  If libgconf1 can work without
>  trouble with gconfd-2, why does gconfd-2 exist at all?  I mean, why
>  isn't it just an upgrade for gconfd (in the "take one binary, replace
>  it with another, keep the name" sense)?

That's a good question for Havoc. ;-) Basically, libgconf1 can talk to
gconfd-2 happily, as long as /etc/gconf/ stuff is set up correctly, so for
good interoperability between G1 apps (Galeon especially) and the G2
desktop, the above strategy is really worthwhile.

>  > Despite Christian's criticisms, I'm not here to troll. I'm here to
>  > help you guys make Debian's GNOME as good as it can be. If you need
>  > information from upstream, or help with issues during the migration,
>  > I'm right here.
>  Thank you.

Thanks, hope I can be helpful,

- Jeff

   "There, I did it... I defiled a timeless piece of ART!" - Jim Carrey,    
                          covering I Am The Walrus                          

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