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Packages yet to be recompiled against libgtk2.0-0png3

I with apt-cache, grep-available, awk, cut and gedit (had to recompile
it locally, *sigh) I have compiled a nice indented and grouped list of
packages yet to be compiled against the new libgtk2.0-0png3 package.
Note that this does not indicate my support of the means chosen to
execute this transition, merely that I cannot see any sensible way of
proceeding now that it has commenced, other than to complete it.

IMNSHO, the best way would've just been to rebuild the libgtk2.0-0
package to link libpng3, and then seek and rebuild any packages which
linked to it and libpng2. Nevertheless, it is too late to do this now,
or to revert back to the unmodified package name without doing all of
this recompiling bollocks again.

If people could drop me a mail when they have done their packages, it
will help me maintain this list and decide which packages to NMU next...

Maintainer: Bastien Nocera <hadess@hadess.net>
 Source: gimp1.3
  Package: gimp1.3-nonfree
  Package: libgimp1.3
  Package: gimp1.3
  Package: libgimp1.3-dev
 Source: gimp-freetype
  Package: gimp-freetype
 Source: gtk-engines-mgicchikn
  Package: gtk-engines-mgicchikn

Maintainer: Søren Boll Overgaard <boll@debian.org>
 Source: xpad
  Package: xpad

Maintainer: Michael Vogt <mvo@debian.org>
 Source: vdkbuilder2
  Package: libvdkbuilder2
  Package: libvdkbuilder2-dev
  Package: vdkbuilder2
 Source: vdkxdb2
  Package: libvdkxdb2
  Package: libvdkxdb2-dev
 Source: vdk2
  Package: libvdk2
  Package: libvdk2-dbg
  Package: libvdk2-dev
  Package: libvdk2-doc

Maintainer: Andres Salomon <dilinger@mp3revolution.net>
 Source: sinek
  Package: sinek

Maintainer: Torsten Landschoff <torsten@debian.org>
 Source: python-gtk2
  Package: python2.2-gtkgl2
  Package: python2.2-gtk2
  Package: python2.2-glade2

Maintainer: Takuo KITAME <kitame@northeye.org>
 Source: nautilus2-gtkhtml
  Package: nautilus2-gtkhtml
 Source: mozilla-snapshot
  Package: mozilla-browser-snapshot
 Source: gtkam
  Package: gtkam-gimp
  Package: gtkam
 Source: gconf-editor
  Package: gconf-editor

Maintainer: Andreas Rottmann <rotty@debian.org>
 Source: yehia
  Package: libucxx1-script-gtk
  Package: libsigcx1-gtk

Maintainer: Bradley Bell <btb@debian.org>
 Source: gtkmm1.3
  Package: libgtkmm1.3-12
 Source: libgnomeuimm1.3
  Package: libgnomeuimm1.3-9
 Source: libgnomemm1.3
  Package: libgnomemm1.3-6
 Source: libgnomecanvasmm1.3
  Package: libgnomecanvasmm1.3-8

Maintainer: Mark Howard <mh@tildemh.com>
 Source: gtkballs
  Package: gtkballs

Maintainer: Ed Boraas <ed@debian.org>
 Source: gtk2.0-engines
  Package: gtk2.0-engines-pixbuf

Maintainer: Remco van de Meent <remco@debian.org>
 Source: gthumb2
  Package: gthumb2

Maintainer: Stephen M Moraco <stephen@debian.org>
 Source: groundhog
  Package: groundhog

Maintainer: Sander Smeenk <ssmeenk@debian.org>
 Source: gnomemeeting
  Package: gnomemeeting

Maintainer: Colin Walters <walters@debian.org>
 Source: gnome-system-monitor
  Package: gnome-system-monitor

Maintainer: Christian Hammers <ch@debian.org>
 Source: gnome-gv
  Package: gnome-gv

Maintainer: Eric Dorland <eric@debian.org>
 Source: glade-2
  Package: glade-gnome-2
  Package: glade-2

Maintainer: Gustavo Noronha Silva <kov@debian.org>
 Source: gksu
  Package: gksu
 Source: gkdebconf
  Package: gkdebconf
 Source: metatheme
  Package: metatheme

Maintainer: Joe Drew <drew@debian.org>
 Source: gedit
  Package: gedit

Maintainer: Emmanuel le Chevoir <manu42@free.fr>
 Source: fluxconf
  Package: fluxconf

Maintainer: Marcelo E. Magallon <mmagallo@debian.org>
 Source: celestia
  Package: celestia
  Package: celestia-common
  Package: celestia-glut
 Source: gtkgl2
  Package: libgtkgl2.0-1

Maintainer: David LaBissoniere <labisso@debian.org>
 Source: bug-buddy
  Package: bug-buddy

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