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bonobo-activation-server blocked on startup

I', using sid.
I often upgrade it with apt-get from ftp.it.debian.org.
Nearly a week ago I upgraded as usual (update; dist-upgrade) and, after a reboot, I was no more able to login into Gnome. I use gdk and when I log in, the Gnome 2 banner appears, but it sticks on the screen whith no icons appearing, indefinetly. I tried to disinstall and reinstall the whole Gnome2 stuff, including Nautilus or not, partial or complete but nothing happens. I tried to start X from user shell, after stopping GDM, to catch aeeror messages, but I saw none. After a lot of tests I discovered that killing bonobo-activation-server the starting process advances one step. Repeatedly killing the server I was able to start Gnome (and partly Nautilus).
What do you suggest?
Where can I find any message to see what is the harming component?
Thank you
        Stefano Salvi

Ing. Stefano Salvi           mailto:s.salvi@libero.it
Viale L. Vaschi, 15    mailto:stefano.salvi@inwind.it
46100 Mantova (MN)            mailto:salvi@itis.mn.it
+39 0376 321572      http://digilander.iol.it/salvis/
+39 0347 3820490        http://www.salvi.mn.it/stefano/

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