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Re: Gnome2 and Japanese AA fonts.

Akira TAGOH writes:
> you need to install ttf-kochi-gothic and ttf-kochi-mincho
> and append the following line to your .xftconfig or
> XftConfig:
> dir "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/kochi"

Wow, thanks for that advice!

After doing what you recommend (and a little more fiddling in Mozilla),
suddenly Japanese web pages look about 1000 times better!

I wish the font packages could do this kind of fiddling automatically.

[In my experience, getting fonts to work well is one of most confusing and
frustrating things about debian (I assume other dists like Redhat just have
everything pre-configured to work well, since they normally distribute as a
complete system image).  There seem to be a thousand little places that you
have to tweak (which depends on exactly which combination of packages
you've got installed), none of which are obvious to someone that doesn't
know the details of the implementation well, and the only real
documentation I've seen is random messages on mailing lists.]

Hmmm, sorry to end with a complaint...  anyway, I'm grateful for the wonderful
mailing lists!


`Life is a boundless sea of bitterness'

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