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Nautilus and .debs

  Today I've benn using nautilus and I've seen the option "Install Package"
over a .deb file. I launched it to see what happend and it didn't worked.

  First of all, you have to be root (or have enough permissions for
installing a package), then is when I remmeber the utility that RH8 has for
installing rpms just with a double-click asking you the password.

  Will it be easy to adapt it for debian? It's a usefull thing for the
debian-desktop project and for everyone using gnome day by day.

  What do you think?


Lucas Moreno Encabo                         - madmind -
lucasmoreno@eresmas.com , madmind@eurielec.etsit.upm.es
PGP: www.eurielec.etsit.upm.es/~madmind/madmind-pgp.key
EESTEC Mailmanager - LC Madrid           www.eestec.org
ICQ - 9284897               Jabber - madmind@jabber.org
AOL - madhatter1135     MSN - madhatter1135@hotmail.com
   Un beso dura lo que dura un beso,
   un sueño dura lo que dura un sueño,
   el tiempo dura lo que dura el tiempo,
   curioso elemento el tiempo...
   El tiempo sopla cuando sopla el viento,
   el tiempo ladra cuando ladra el perro,
   el tiempo ríe si tú estás riendo,
   curioso elemento el tiempo...
		Jarabe de Palo - Tiempo

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