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Re: debugging symbols

>>>>> On 19 Mar 2002 18:00:35 +0100,
>>>>> "CM" == Christian Marillat <marillat.christian@wanadoo.fr> wrote:

CM> I want to heard some feedback from other Gnome 2 Debian maintainers
CM> Takuo, Akira ?

Well, definitely debugging symbols will help us, and
upstream and we will be easy to squash a bug. basically it
stand to reason that we need it independent of STABLE and
UNSTABLE for debugging. but it should depends on report of
the users. we always check reproducibility for debugging and
reporting to upstream. and sometimes they can't reproduce
it. IMO the bugs which can't be reproduced should be more
than stable.

I'm not sure because I don't maintain so-called
'application' for GNOME2 yet, but for libraries, when the
users will fall on a bug, it's not enough that they will
check it again with LD_LIBRARY_PATH? as I said, several
libraries has -dbg package. it's not stripped.

Yes, of course if the users uses a application which is
useful as bug-buddy, it should be always ran with debugging
symbols. ok, I know. and bug-buddy doesn't support debian's
BTS now. so that you will get a bug report which you want,
and we will get no report.
However the unscrupulous people may send us a bug report
which be not sure whether it can be reproduced or not. I'm
afraid that. in any case, if we will get a bug report, we
must check it anyway, and in the report of current freestyle
format, we can't force attached the useful informations as
backtrace. I mean if the users and we can reproduce it, it
will be enough helpful for us that they use -dbg package
later. also when we consider that we can't fix it, we will
forward it to upstream but doesn't it mean a bug report
which is not useful for them?

Anyway we ourselves need to manage our bug. even if we leave
the bugs until releasing GNOME2, we will need to check it
whether it is fixed or not after released GNOME2.
so that if you accept any our forwarded bug report, I will
agree. but if not so, I want to respect our current policy.

Akira TAGOH  : tagoh@gnome.gr.jp  / Japan GNOME Users Group
at@gclab.org : tagoh@gnome-db.org / GNOME-DB Project
             : tagoh@redhat.com   / Red Hat, Inc.
             : tagoh@debian.org   / Debian Project

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