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Re: Woody's target GNOME release

>>>> "ACPI" == Adam C Powell IV <hazelsct@mit.edu> writes:

[Please don't Cc me]

ACPI> I see, this makes sense.  I was thinking it might include Nautilus and
ACPI> Evolution, though I suppose those are more like apps than core/libs

Evolution, Nautilus berk

ACPI> types of things.  I guess we'll see if they finally increment the
ACPI> soname of bonobo. :-)

ACPI> It's a bit disconcerting to look at
ACPI> ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/unstable/sources/ and see very few new
ACPI> releases in the last four months.  I guess this means there's a change

These new release aren't the "main" Gnome like gnome-libs, gnome-core or

ACPI> of strategy, where unstable 1.3.x material only appears in CVS, then
ACPI> will be released all at once as 1.4?  Then again, I don't remember
ACPI> many 1.1.x releases until 1.1.90.

Do you remember the big change between 1.1.50 and 1.2.0 ?

I think these beta release was necessary but not for the 1.4.0

If you want you can browse the gnome cvs here :


Choose a package and click month in the right upper corner to see the last

The only big change I've see is the inclusion of gnome-vfs in gnome-libs.


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