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Re: Debian and GNOME, partnership with Helixcode?

[ Nothng private here, followup on debian-gtk-gnome ]
Le Tue, Mar 14, 2000 at 11:04:19PM +0100, Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a écrivait:
> 2.- Maybe Debian could do something in order to make easier for GNOME
> developers to build Debian packages... where is really the barrier for
> making Debian packages?

You need a Debian machine (debhelper and so on).

Anyway, I strongly think that we should do the same as for RedHat spec
file, we should include our debian directory on the Gnome CVS and the
Debian maintainer of the corresponding package should ask for write access
on the Gnome CVS in order to be able to maintain the debian directory.

This will prevent problems like Helixcode doing its own packaging that may
not fit Debian policy and so on.

If some maintainer of Gnome packages don't know CVS, then they should
simply learn, it's not that hard ! And if you need to patch some 
files not in the debian directory, then use the system provided by Adam
that apply (and reverse apply) patche at build time ...

Should I launch a thread about this on gnome-devel-list@gnome.org ?

Someone asked for Debian developers that are involved in Gnome :
Havoc Pennington, Vincent Renardias, ...

Raphaël Hertzog >> 0C4CABF1 >> http://tux.u-strasbg.fr/~raphael/
<pub> CD Debian : http://tux.u-strasbg.fr/~raphael/debian/#cd
      Formations Linux et logiciels libres : http://www.logidee.com </pub>

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