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Backporting podman

Dear go package maintainers,

I would like to see podman>=4.4 make it into bookworm backports so the excellent quadlet feature would become available in debian stable. I'm inexperienced in debian packaging and gave up on my first attempt in creating this backport due to the sheer number of (indirect) dependencies missing in bookworm.

Only after that have I learned about dh-make-golang but it is unclear to me whether or how I could use it to create the backports.

Has someone looked into backporting podman before and where there issues?
Are there any instructions on how to backport go packages in particular? What could be my starting point for attempting this?

I would be very happy if someone else took the time to create the backport but it is important enough to me to attempt the backport myself and ask for sponsorship should it succeed. In that case, any advice would be welcome.

 - krumelmonster

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