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About go-team infrastructure

Hi team,

I have spoke with @stapelberg regarding the issues we are facing
with the CI environment and he's been very helpful providing all
the missing details and documentation in order to bring back the
service alive.

I have planned the following steps to get back the service running:

1. Get the dependencies in order:

Currently the CI environment is split in several repositories, on
Github with pkg-go-tools (pgt-gopath binary) and on salsa with ci
(ci, ci-diff and ci-build binaries)

What I want to do is migrate everything under a pkg-go-tools repository
on Salsa so everything lies together and there's no more extra
dependency. There won't be a debian/pkg-go-tools nor salsa/ci
repositories anymore: everything will be at the same place.

Once it's done, we can enjoy Gitlab container registry feature and push
the several Docker images used by the build infrastructure (the ci
image, the pgt-api-server, pgt-gopath, etc.) so that the code and the
images are hosted by Debian (currently the ci image is on Dockerhub).

2. Deploy the runner on a test node

Once all the code and images are ready, I'll setup a server at Hetzner
to bring back the runner. I plan to write an Ansible config file to
install the dependencies (Docker and Gitlab runner). The machine will be
team accessible so that everyone can contribute and help if something do
not work.

I'll update the existing documentation [1] to add a setup section to
ease future install.

3. Move to Debian hardware

When everything's run smoothly, we'll get in touch with DSA to have
appropriate hardware, so that everything stay and is maintained in/by Debian.

If the machine requirements doesn't work with DSA, maybe getting in
touch with an external Sponsor could do the trick.

In the meantime, I will migrate the pgt-api-server (used by
dh-make-golang) currently hosted by stapelberg to a dedicated team
accessible machine, and maybe we can handle it to DSA too in the future.

Does anyone have any suggestion?
I plan to do it this week if everyone is okay with that.


[1]: https://go-team.pages.debian.net/ci.html

Aloïs Micard <creekorful@debian.org>

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