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Re: Help for packaging shfmt


Aloïs Micard <creekorful@debian.org>,
14/10/2021 – 10:38:16 (+0200):

> The package has been uploaded on the NEW [1] queue, you can view the package
> details on the following page [2].
> Since the package has been uploaded by Anthony, there's nothing we need to do
> here. The FTP masters will review the package for copyright mistake, etc...
> This can take from days to several week. Once the package has been accepted
> it will enter the archive and land on unstable. And you will become a
> sponsored maintainer [3]. :)
> Note: you can view the details of all your packages / ITP on Debian using
> your DDPO page, which is available here [4]. This page is really helpful
> when you want to have a quick view over your packages.


> Let's say we will disable the tests from the time being and check what we can do
> later on.
> If you want to disable the tests, you shouldn't use *DH_GOLANG_EXCLUDES*. This is
> used only to exclude files from the build targets [5].
> If you want to disable the tests completely (it does make sense here since all tests
> depends on the git submodule) you should use *override_dh_auto_test* in d/rules and
> do nothing with it. Your d/rules may look like this:
> ```
> #!/usr/bin/make -f
> %:
> 	dh $@ --builddirectory=_build --buildsystem=golang --with=golang
> override_dh_auto_test:
> 	# Disable tests ATM since they require a Git submodule
> ```

Ok, thanks!
I was using [1] but I have now pushed [2] as requested.

> I'll take a deeper look at the package this evening.

Excellent, if you have time to look at my push and CI problem, that
would be very appreciated too (see my other post on the go-team ML).


[1]: https://salsa.debian.org/go-team/packages/golang-mvdan-editorconfig/-/commit/91639a113b4110828b1d6ce1fed49914a37b5d50
[2]: https://salsa.debian.org/go-team/packages/golang-mvdan-editorconfig/-/commit/df1e6e16f67c13cb9dba9808f220891c9bafc539


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