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Re: Re: Packaging Amfora and dependencies

On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 01:26:56AM +0530, Nilesh Patra wrote:
> > golang-gitlab-tslocum-cbind
> > Website: https://gitlab.com/tslocum/cbind
> > Salsa: https://salsa.debian.org/go-team/packages/golang-gitlab-tslocum-cbind
> More comments on this: I did some changes and pushed to salsa.

Thank you, looking over these changes tonight.

> However two questions:
> * This package seems to have releases, so why is the version pinned to
>   a commit snapshot - i.e. why 0.1.4+git20210309.dfd1991 instead of 0.1.4?

This was generated by dh-make-golang, and I wasn't sure with godeps if
it was acceptable to use the commit or a version. Since all the other
packages were also doing commit I kept it. If the best practice is to
use a version I can update it to use that instead.

> * Why are the tests disabled? I just enabled the tests and they seem to
>   pass(!) -- is there any specific reason?

It failed for me the first time I did (I don't have the exact error),
but I did attempt to fix it up a few times. Reading somewhere in the
Debian mailing list or elsewhere I saw that disabling the test was
acceptable if it didn't affect the package build. I'm glad it is
working though and would prefer to have them enabled.

> Nilesh

Micheal Waltz
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