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Bug#948173: golang-thrift-dev: Go sources are installed into the wrong path

Package: golang-thrift-dev
Version: 0.13.0-2
Severity: important

Right now Go source files are installed into /usr/share/gocode/src/thrift.
This means that Debian packages trying to build via dh-golang must refer to
the golang-thrift-dev sources using the import path "thrift".

However, the Go import path that is used by Thrift itself and by dependent
projects is really "github.com/apache/thrift/lib/go/thrift".

Go sources should be installed into
The thrift source package's control file should also contain an
XS-Go-Import-Path header reflecting the correct Go import path.
Aside: is it worth renaming golang-thrift-dev to golang-github-apache-thrift-dev
or golang-github-apache-thrift-lib-go-thrift-dev, in order to comform with the
package naming convention used by the Debian Go Packaging Team?

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