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Re: Issue with upgrading libc6-dev-amd64:i386 to 2.16

I also just noticed that you merged in my changes to
debian/rules.d/tarball.mk setting an explicit checkout revision for
making the orig.tar.xz.  That was meant to be a purely local change,
to get me something comparable to what debian/patches was originally
applying against, but I guess it must have leaked into the patch I
posted previously.  You can feel free to revert that part of the
changes if you want.

But while I'm thinking about it -- do we actually need linuxthreads
for anything anymore?  It's no longer distributed at all by glibc
upstream (there isn't even a glibc-linuxthreads.git to parallel
glibc.git and glibc-ports.git).
Daniel Schepler

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