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Bug#430832: Similar problems here, but with 64 bit apps


On Jul 22,  1:24am, Aurelien Jarno wrote:
> > I have similar problem, but with 64-bit libs. Everything works OK with
> Could you give us more details? What is your system, an i386 one or and
> amd64 one?

Currently it's an Intel-based (in case tis would matter, which I doubt) amd64
system, running self-compiled kernel 2.6.22-rc7 (whose configuration is mostly
the same as for official Debian kernel, I only switched CPU optimization on
and USB suspend off).

> Also, please give us the exact error message that appears when the
> problem arise.

Here's an excerpt from syslog:

Jul 19 09:48:11 kingu kernel: dpkg[30696]: segfault at 0000000000000000 rip 0000000000000000 rsp 00007fffaf8ff4c8 error 14
Jul 19 09:48:12 kingu kernel: rm[30697]: segfault at 0000000000000000 rip 0000000000000000 rsp 00007fff54b41568 error 14
Jul 19 09:48:13 kingu kernel: debsums[30700]: segfault at 0000000000000000 rip 0000000000000000 rsp 00007fff174b9028 error 14
Jul 19 09:48:32 kingu kernel: ls[30701]: segfault at 0000000000000000 rip 0000000000000000 rsp 00007ffff09204e8 error 14

And so on, and so on. These segfaults come from dpkg trying to continua with
installing debs, then there are myriads of identical segfaults from the stuff
that's spawned by init, until I do a hard reboot. After this init crashes with
the same message.

Hope that helps. If I can provide any additional info I'll be happy to do it.


 (___)  | Pawel Wiecek ------ Coven / Svart ------ http://www.coven.vmh.net/ |
< o o > |  <coven@vmh.net>    GPG/PGP info in headers     GSM: +48603240006  |
 \ ^ /  |   *   I love the smell of burning components in the morning.   *   |
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