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IP addresses sorted in reverse order


I've set up my DNS servers to sort IP addresses according to our network
topology. for example, lookup for irc.sk should always return this order:

uhlar@fantomas% host irc.sk
irc.sk has address
irc.sk has address

this is OK, even when I repeat the lookup a few times.
However, seems that some programs try addresses nio reverse order, and I'm
afraid it's glibc's fault:

uhlar@fantomas% getent hosts irc.sk   irc.sk   irc.sk

(the same after many repeats).

The result is, that my clients (telnet-ssl, inetutils-telnet, ircii) are
trying to connect the wrong server as first...

Searching mailinglists, bug databases did not give me correct answer.
Does glibc sorty/reorder IP addresses gotten from DNS?
Is this fixed in any newer versions of glibc?

Thank you.
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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