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Bug#279423: libc6-dev: totally incoherent pthread related includes files for dynamic linking

Eric Valette wrote:

Here is my report on running posixtestsuite-1.4.3 on two different environments : - The original debian libc-dev using dynamic linking mode but the LinuxThread related include for pthread and rt many to check if the current status does not lead to too much errors, - My own compiled glibc-cvs for using nptl add-on + patches to make it compile, using static mode,

As I did a chroot on a debootstraped sid partiton without mounting /proc and other virtualfs (including /sys and /dev/shm) the result for the tests where incorrect for my own generated libc. (The results for the native libc6-dev were of course correct as I run them on my regular debian system and did execute the /etc/init/* scripts). Here are the good ones...

So the correct comparsion table is :

	|   Original Libc6-dev | Up to date cvs (static) |
	| PASS       :   1239  | PASS       : 1384       |
	| FAILED     :   28    | FAILED     : 18         |
	| UNTESTED   :   46    | UNTESTED   : 5		 |
	| UNRESOLVED :   16    | UNRESOLVED : 9		 |

My analysis is :
- More test can be compiled because of using the correct includes (especially the mq_* test) => more tests run
	- Less failure due to bugfixes integrated in current glibc-cvs

NB : probably the figures using the linuxtread static version would be even far worse.

  /  `                   	Eric Valette
 /--   __  o _.          	6 rue Paul Le Flem
(___, / (_(_(__         	35740 Pace

Tel: +33 (0)2 99 85 26 76	Fax: +33 (0)2 99 85 26 76
E-mail: eric.valette@free.fr

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