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Bug#218081: [peterc@gelato.unsw.edu.au: Bug#218081: libc6 2.3.2-9 won't install]

>>>>> "Peter" == Peter Chubb <peter@chubb.wattle.id.au> writes:

>>>>> "Daniel" == Daniel Jacobowitz <dan@debian.org> writes:
Daniel> Meant to copy yo on this, Peter.  Adam suggests checking the
Daniel> output of lsattr.  If you can repeat this, strace output of
Daniel> dpkg would be nice too.

I think I've worked out the problem.  I have the lsbdev package
installed, which mounts --bind /lib/ld-2.3.2.so into

So it looks as if there's an incompatibility between lsbdev and
standard library upgrading.

Peter C

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