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Bug#194024: More info

resolvconf now supports pump (along with ifupdown, dchp3-client,
ppp, pppconfig, laptop-net, bind and others).

Here's how it currently works.  The resolvconf package includes
the script /etc/pump/script.d/resolvconf .  The admin modifies
/etc/pump.conf to include the line
    script /etc/pump/script.d/resolvconf
On up, pump writes resolv.conf information to /etc/resolv.conf and
/etc/pump/script.d/resolvconf cats this to /sbin/resolvconf which
uses the info to write a new /etc/resolv.conf file.
(/etc/resolv.conf is actually a symlink to /var/run/resolvconf/resolv.conf ,
so this is actually where pump writes the info.)

This works, but it is ugly because
1. /var/run/resolvconf/resolv.conf gets overwritten temporarily
2. The admin has to set this up by hand

1. There should be some way to govern where pump sends the resolv.conf
   info that it outputs.  Here are two alternative solutions.
  a. pump pipes the info directly to "/sbin/resolvconf -a $IFACE"
     (instead of writing it to /etc/resolv.conf) if /sbin/resolvconf is
     Then /etc/pump/script.d/resolvconf can be dispensed with.
  b. pump writes the info to /etc/pump/resolv.conf .
     (This parallels what pppd does: pppd writes to /etc/ppp/resolv.conf .)
     Then /etc/pump/script.d/resolvconf can cat the latter file to

2. It would be better if pump and resolvconf would work together
   without further ado when they are both installed.  Two solutions:
  a. pump pipes the info directly to "/sbin/resolvconf -a $IFACE"
     (instead of writing it to /etc/resolv.conf) if /sbin/resolvconf is
     Then /etc/pump/script.d/resolvconf can be dispensed with.
  c. pump does a run-parts on /etc/pump/script.d/
     Then /etc/pump/script.d/resolvconf will be run automatically.
     This could be combined with solution #b.


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