Bug#172439: is not a bug, is a feature
On Fri, Dec 20, 2002 at 02:26:31AM +0100, Nagy Peter.1 wrote:
> if /etc/locale.gen doesn't contain the string "XXX GENERATED XXX", it
> will ignore whatever is set at config time, and won't change
> /etc/locale.gen. Yours is from some old system that did it a different
> way, and thus doesn't contain this string. So much for clean upgrades.
> solution: delete /etc/locale.gen, and _then_ do dpkg-reconfigure
Thank you; I did this and it worked great.
> PS: wouldn't it be better if config simply overwrote /etc/locale.gen
> no-matter-what?
I don't know; I suppose some people might want to manually configure
this package. But it should certainly overwrite it my case:
collecting choices from the user and then silently throwing them away
because a file is still in an old format is bad.
Christopher Allen . + . -===""===- c==== .
email: cpcallen@ruah.dyndns.org * . . \ \____}}
WWW: http://ruah.dyndns.org/~cpcallen/ . * @====-' .
snail: Studio 10, 319 Archway Rd. London N6 5AA U.K. . *
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