Bug#172439: is not a bug, is a feature
if /etc/locale.gen doesn't contain the string "XXX GENERATED XXX", it
will ignore whatever is set at config time, and won't change
/etc/locale.gen. Yours is from some old system that did it a different
way, and thus doesn't contain this string. So much for clean upgrades.
solution: delete /etc/locale.gen, and _then_ do dpkg-reconfigure
PS: wouldn't it be better if config simply overwrote /etc/locale.gen
PS2: what will the bugtracking spamfilter say to the "XXX GENERATED XXX"
string in this letter? :-)
Peter Nagy,
GPG: E54BDFC8/ D90B 981D 50EE F6B1 FD47 5156 5997 047E E54B DFC8
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