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Re: 2.3.1 and jdk1.3.1_05

On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 08:55:52AM -0400, Richard Black wrote:

> I realize that this is a somewhat known problem but with libc6 2.3.1,
> java 1.3.1 (even with the latest patch) does not run:

I think I read somewhere that IBM's latest 1.3.1 worked.

> Is there any way around this?  If not, could any one point me
> towards some 2.2.94 debs so I can down grade--this would be much
> appreciated!

There were never any produced.  You should be able to hack some
together with few troubles.  I don't know enough about Java to offer
you other suggestions.

learning from failures is nice in theory...
but in practice, it sucks :)
 - Wolfgang Jaehrling

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