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Re: Proposal for the inclusion of new packages

Dear all,

Il 01/07/23 15:31, Antonio Valentino ha scritto:

* eodag: https://github.com/CS-SI/eodag
 EODAG (Earth Observation Data Access Gateway) is a command line tool
 and a plugin-oriented Python framework for searching, aggregating
 results and downloading remote sensed images while offering a unified
 API for data access regardless of the data provider.


nice to hear about that from you. Indeed, I still have not see any activity about the Copernicus API switching in sentinelsat for their issue #583, so python3-sentinelsat would become obsolete after September 2023.


EOdag could be a nice tool to use even for accessing Sentinel data,
at least by rumors.

Yes, eodag seems to be promising and have a very nice design.
Moreover, the company developing it is directly involved in the activities in the Copernicus Data Ecosystem.

At the moment, by the way, it still does not have all the nice features of sentinelsat.

Just for the completeness, at the moment eodag misses 5 non-optional dependencies:

* orjson: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1002996
* usgs: https://github.com/kapadia/usgs
* jsonpath-ng: https://github.com/h2non/jsonpath-ng
* pystac: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1040045
* ecmwf-api-client: https://github.com/ecmwf/ecmwf-api-client

Two of them (including pystac) already have ITPs.

Antonio Valentino

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