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Re: GDAL 2.5.0

To kill some time I did a round of rebuilds any way. The packages that
also use proj_api.h have ACCEPT_USE_OF_DEPRECATED_PROJ_API_H defined to
prevent a FTBFS with PROJ 6.0.0.

Most packages built successfully, but those that failed mostly did so
because of the OSRFixup() removal.

fiona (1.8.4-1) FTBFS due to an undefined symbol:

 ImportError: [...]/fiona/ogrext.so: undefined symbol: OSRFixup

It was removed in GDAL 2.5.0 as documented in the migration guide,
reported upstream in:


liblas (1.8.1-10) FTBFS due to the removal of OSRFixupOrdering, reported
upstream in:


mapproxy (1.11.0-3) built successfully, but did encounter a segfault
during its CRS tests most likely related to changes in GDAL 2.5.0 for
PROJ 6.0.0. Reported upstream in:


mysql-workbench (6.3.10+dfsg-3) FTBFS due to an unrelated issue
(#914761), and has been in a sorry state for a while now.

r-cran-sf (0.7-2+dfsg-1) FTBFS due to pcs.csv being removed, reported
upstream in:


thuban (1.2.2-14) FTBFS because it uses projects.h which is was removed
in PROJ 6.0.0.

otb (6.6.1+dfsg-1) also FTBFS due the Fixup() removal, reported upstream in:


qgis (3.4.7+dfsg-1~exp1) likewise FTBFS, reported upstream in:


saga (2.3.1+dfsg-4) FTBFS because it also still uses projects.h.

Transition: gdal

 libgdal20 (2.4.0+dfsg-1+b1) -> libgdal26 (2.5.0~beta1+dfsg-1~exp1)

The status of the most recent rebuilds is as follows.

 dans-gdal-scripts       (0.24-3)                       OK
 fiona                   (1.8.4-1 / 1.8.6-1~exp1)       FTBFS / FTBFS
 gazebo                  (9.6.0-1)                      OK
 gmt                     (5.4.5+dfsg-1)                 OK
 imposm                  (2.6.0+ds-6)                   OK
 libcitygml              (2.0.9-2)                      OK
 liblas                  (1.8.1-10)                     FTBFS
 libosmium               (2.15.1-1)                     OK [+]
 mapcache                (1.6.1-3)                      OK
 mapnik                  (3.0.22+ds-1)                  OK [+]
 mapproxy                (1.11.0-3)                     OK
 mapserver               (7.2.2-1)                      OK [+]
 merkaartor              (0.18.3+ds-5)                  OK [+]
 mysql-workbench         (6.3.10+dfsg-3)                FTBFS (#914761)
 ncl                     (6.5.0-2)                      OK [+]
 node-srs                (0.4.8+dfsg-4)                 OK
 octave-mapping          (1.2.1-4)                      OK
 openorienteering-mapper (0.8.4-1)                      OK [+]
 openscenegraph          (3.2.3+dfsg1-3)                OK
 pdal                    (1.8.0+ds-1)                   OK
 pgsql-ogr-fdw           (1.0.7-2)                      OK
 postgis                 (2.5.1+dfsg-1)                 OK
 pprepair                (0.0~20170614-dd91a21-3)       OK
 prepair                 (0.7.1-3)                      OK
 python-django           (1:1.11.20-1)                  OK
 qmapshack               (1.12.3-1 / 1.13.0-1~exp1)     OK [+] / OK
 r-bioc-annotationdbi    (1.44.0-1)                     OK
 r-bioc-genomeinfodb     (1.18.1-1)                     OK
 r-cran-caret            (6.0-81-2)                     OK
 r-cran-mi               (1.0-7)                        OK
 r-cran-sf               (0.7-2+dfsg-1)                 FTBFS
 r-cran-tmvtnorm         (1.4-10-3)                     OK
 rasterio                (1.0.22-1~exp1)                OK
 sumo                    (1.1.0+dfsg1-1)                OK [+]
 thuban                  (1.2.2-14)                     FTBFS
 vtk6                    (6.3.0+dfsg2-2)                OK [+]
 vtk7                    (7.1.1+dfsg1-12)               FTBFS
 xastir                  (2.1.0-5)                      OK [+]

 cloudcompare            (2.10.1-1)                     OK
 grass                   (7.6.0-1 / 7.6.1-1~exp1)       FTBFS / OK [+]
 opencv                  (3.2.0+dfsg-6)                 OK
 openscenegraph-3.4      (3.4.1+dfsg1-5)                OK
 osmcoastline            (2.2.4-1)                      OK
 pktools                 (                 OK
 pyosmium                (2.15.2-1~exp1)                OK

 libgdal-grass           (2.4.0-3 / 2.5.0~beta1-1~exp1) FTBFS / OK
 osgearth                (2.10.1+dfsg-1~exp1)           OK
 otb                     (6.6.1+dfsg-1)                 FTBFS
 qgis                    (3.4.7+dfsg-1~exp1)            FTBFS
 saga                    (2.3.1+dfsg-4)                 FTBFS

Kind Regards,


 GPG Key ID: 4096R/6750F10AE88D4AF1
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