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Re: Last package maintained by pkg-osm

Hi Bas,

On Sun, Jan 03, 2016 at 01:02:36AM +0100, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
> I've looked at this package in the past. It should probably be updated
> to include the more recent changes from SVN. But this may break rel2gpx,
> the only reverse dependency of libosm-gary68-perl.

Is there any evidence that rel2gpx will be broken or do you just mention
this since there is this reverse dependency?
> It's a very simple package, but not a proper Perl distribution like
> those from CPAN. The packaging only needs a few enhancements to
> modernize the packaging (compat level 9, dh --parallel, copyright-format
> 1.0, Standards-Version 3.9.6). I'll push the changes I already have for
> those to the pkg-grass git repository on Alioth. It's not entirely ready
> for upload yet.

OK, this answers my question whether I can merge the teammetrics graphs
of the two teams.  :-)

Kind regards



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