Re: Last package maintained by pkg-osm
On 03-01-16 00:21, Andreas Tille wrote:
> I wonder whether this package could be taken over to Debian GIS
> (pkg-grass) or if it is not really maintained/used rather should be
> removed from Debian.
It can, and it should. But no one has done the work yet.
I've looked at this package in the past. It should probably be updated
to include the more recent changes from SVN. But this may break rel2gpx,
the only reverse dependency of libosm-gary68-perl.
It's a very simple package, but not a proper Perl distribution like
those from CPAN. The packaging only needs a few enhancements to
modernize the packaging (compat level 9, dh --parallel, copyright-format
1.0, Standards-Version 3.9.6). I'll push the changes I already have for
those to the pkg-grass git repository on Alioth. It's not entirely ready
for upload yet.
Kind Regards,
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