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Re: Copyright of debian/* in proj?

On Mon, Oct 06, 2014 at 09:22:25AM +0200, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
> So you just want a Files section for debian/datumgrids*.shar?
> I pushed a change for that.

> There never was copyright claimed on the debian directory, and dep5
> recommended to leave this out when converting to dep5 format.

Really?  I never checked this part but it seems totally unlogical to me.
A "Files: *" section usually claims copyright for upstream and without
having a "Files: debian/*" the debian/ dir inherits the same copyright
as upstream which IMHO does not make sense since even I tend to use the
same license the copyright owner is different, right?

> Now that proj-datumgrid-1.6RC1 ships binary grids instead of the .lla
> source that needs to be build as part of proj, we could move the
> datumgrids to their own package and have proj-data depend on it.

Fine for me.  Just ping me if I should upload



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