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Re: deadline coming soon for OpenCPN

Hi Antoine,

On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 11:58:53PM -0400, Antoine Beaupré wrote:
> Folks, the Debian Jessie freeze is coming up quickly. I do not think the
> question of ownership of the package are productive at this point.
> 3.2 seems to be upstream's stable release at this point. It would seem
> like a bad idea to ship Jessie with 2.x, but if that's all we can
> manage, let's do it.

Thanks for your action on this package.

> Hamish, you seemed to be saying that the FTP masters rejected a previous
> version of the package: what was the reason? Sharing this here will save
> everyone (and especially the FTP masters) a lot of time. You were also
> mentionning issues about the package mentionned in the "last post in the
> ITP", which I assume you mean:
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=538067#159
> I think the major issue that Andreas mentionned there is the
> "DFSG-tarball" generation: the script should be in the debian/ directory
> so the source can be regenerated easily without requiring access the SVN
> repo. The script I could find is this:
> http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/pkg-grass/packages/opencpn/tarballs/get_latest_from_git.sh?view=co&revision=HEAD&content-type=text%2Fplain
> .. but that script seems to generate a tarball based on the git
> repository, and doesn't seem to checkout any specific tag, so I doubt it
> will work unmodified.

The latest trunk of

  Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-grass/packages/opencpn/trunk/


$ uscan --verbose --report
-- Scanning for watchfiles in .
-- Found watchfile in ./debian
-- In debian/watch, processing watchfile line:
   opts=dversionmangle=s/\+dfsg// http://sf.net/opencpn/OpenCPN-([\d\.]+)-Source\.tar\.gz
-- Found the following matching hrefs:
     /watch/sf.php/opencpn/OpenCPN-3.2.2-Source.tar.gz (3.2.2)
     /watch/sf.php/opencpn/OpenCPN-3.2.0-Source.tar.gz (3.2.0)
     /watch/sf.php/opencpn/OpenCPN-3.0.0-Source.tar.gz (3.0.0)
     /watch/sf.php/opencpn/OpenCPN-2.5.0-Source.tar.gz (2.5.0)
     /watch/sf.php/opencpn/OpenCPN-2.3.1-Source.tar.gz (2.3.1)
     /watch/sf.php/opencpn/OpenCPN-2.3.0-Source.tar.gz (2.3.0)
Newest version on remote site is 3.2.2, local version is 2.5.0+dfsg
 (mangled local version number 2.5.0)
 => Newer version available from
-- Scan finished

I admit the request for sponsoring was sooooo long ago that I do not
remember and I see no value to think about aged code.  I'd perfectly
agree if the current source for 3.2.2 would be used for packaging.  I'd
recommend to use Files-Excluded if any files need to be stripped from
this source tarball (but I did not inspected it regarding this issue).

> There were also issues with the debian/rules targets for repeated
> builds.
> Andreas, was there other things you were thinking should be fixed with
> the package?

Since there are several upstream releases inbetween I would need to have
another look.  Since you obviously had a more recent look and you do
not need a sponsor I'd trust your insight if you say it is OK.

> Finally, did anyone take a look at that PPA? Why aren't we just using
> that debian package??
> https://launchpad.net/~opencpn/+archive/ubuntu/opencpn

I personally did not.  The only thing I could say that it always heats
my temper a bit if I learn about another instance of failed
communication between people working on free GIS software.  I wonder
why we are not able to catch all those people into our common project
and do not reinvent the wheel over and over. :-(
> Thanks for the feedback,

As you asked for in your other mail I added you to pkg-grass on alioth
(even if Bas mentioned that this is not really needed for DDs).  Since
you seem to be Git affine I would suggest the following:  Either convert
the current


to Git or create a new Git repository which is compliant to Debian GIS
policy[1] (fetch the tarball via uscan and use
   git import-orig --pristine-tar
to inject the source.  Designe the debian/ dir according to your insight
as a DD (may be ask for review here - but I'm no GIS expert and thus I
can only check packaging details).  Please also get the person
responsible fpr the PPA involved and invite him to join the project
offering him cooperation to work on this repository.  This should
support his goal to make OpenCPN available in Ubuntu way better than
some random PPA.

Kind regards and thanks again for your push on this


[1] http://pkg-grass.alioth.debian.org/policy/


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