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Re: osm2pgsql

Hi Jochen,

On 04/30/2014 11:53 AM, Jochen Topf wrote:
> Hi!
> I looked into the osm2pgsql package yesterday to find out what needed to
> be done to upgrade it from 0.82 to current 0.84. But for some reason I
> could not get it to build. The configure script doesn't find the C++
> compiler. This only happens in the special Debian build thingy, running
> configure manually or through debuild everything works. And if I force
> CXX=g++ it works, too. Any ideas?

Thanks for looking into osm2pgsql.

I've updated the package with the 0.84.0 upstream release, but I don't
experience the build problem you mention.

How do you build the package, and is this on a current Debian unstable
machine? I suspect your cowbuilder chroot is outdated.

> Apart from that I don't see any problems with the new version. There is
> a new dependency on lua, but that should not make any problems.

I've added the LUA dependencies, and pushed my changes to the git repo
on Alioth.

There is still a man page warning that I want to fix, but otherwise I
think the package is quite ready.

> Jochen

Kind Regards,


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