Re: Fwd: Automatic removal of packages from testing (spatialite-tools)
Hi Andreas,
On 10/14/2013 03:45 PM, Andreas Tille wrote:
> I have seen your according preparation in Git. Just ping me via [SoB]
> if I should upload.
I'm almost done with my preparations for the SpatiaLite transition. Just
one more round of rebuilds to incorporate some recent changes.
Regarding automatic removals from testing, QGIS is a candidate now:
Debian GIS Project <>
qgis: bugs 713358, flagged for removal in 14.1 days
QGIS 2.0.1-1 is available on mentors (RFS #724927), but won't build at
the moment due to libopenscenegraph99 becoming uninstallable (#722674)
during the libav transition (#720816).
>From what I understand the OSG maintainers are waiting for the 3.2.1
release later this month, hopefully a fixed package will be available
shortly there after. We can then rebuild osgEarth and QGIS.
Kind Regards,
GnuPG: 0xE88D4AF1 (new) / 0x77A975AD (old)
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