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[DebianGIS] Fw: [GRASS-user] GRASS 6.2.1 for Debian Testing available

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2006 18:36:11 +0100
From: grass at rigacci org
To: grassuser at grass.itc it
Subject: [GRASS-user] GRASS 6.2.1 for Debian Testing available


today I packaged GRASS 6.2.1 for an updated Debian Testing.

The i386 .deb packages are available at this APT repository: 

Thanks to the GRASS developers and to the Debian mantainers, as 

Please feel free to report problems specific of this 
compile/package to me.

Niccolo Rigacci
Firenze - Italy

Iraq, missione di pace: 50291 morti - www.iraqbodycount.net

grassuser mailing list
grassuser at grass.itc it

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