Re: [DebianGIS] GRASS: NVIZ-help missing
On Thu, Jan 26, 2006 at 02:03:55PM +0100, Stephan Holl wrote:
> Dear List,
> while successfully built GRASS for Sarge with the recent debian-folder
> from alioth I figured out, that the html-helpfiles for NVIZ are missing.
> Changing
> usr/lib/grass/docs/nviz/help.tcl
> to
> usr/lib/grass/docs/nviz
> in debian/grass.install
> solved the problem.
Thanks for the report.
> However, one could thing about putting the nviz-helpfiles in the
> grass-doc-package?!.
I'm not sure of what are you pointing...
The ratio for having data files out of the binary packages is avoiding
waste of space on the main archive. Replicating arch-indep files would
waste 10M of space. That's all.
Francesco P. Lovergine
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