[Pkg-grass-general] [Fwd: PostgreSQL transition ahead]
Forwarding this since it affects qgis, grass and postgis(?). -Steve
-------- Forwarded Message --------
> From: Martin Pitt <mpitt@debian.org>
> To: debian-devel@lists.debian.org
> Cc: www-pgsql@packages.debian.org, ulogd-pgsql@packages.debian.org,
> teapop-pgsql@packages.debian.org, tac-plus@packages.debian.org,
> sqlrelay-postgresql@packages.debian.org,
> specter-pgsql@packages.debian.org, snort-pgsql@packages.debian.org,
> qgis@packages.debian.org, python2.4-pygresql@packages.debian.org,
> python2.3-pygresql@packages.debian.org,
> python2.3-psycopg@packages.debian.org,
> python2.3-popy@packages.debian.org,
> python2.3-pgsql@packages.debian.org,
> python2.2-pygresql@packages.debian.org,
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> python2.2-pgsql@packages.debian.org,
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> python2.1-pgsql@packages.debian.org,
> python-mapscript@packages.debian.org,
> pure-ftpd-postgresql@packages.debian.org,
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> asterisk@packages.debian.org,
> aolserver4-nspostgres@packages.debian.org,
> aolserver-nspostgres@packages.debian.org
> Subject: PostgreSQL transition ahead
> Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2005 10:22:00 +0200
> (Sorry if you got this mail several times, I just CC'ed it to every
> affected binary package).
> Hi fellow Debian developers!
> Three months ago I announced the first alpha versions of the new
> architecture of the PostgreSQL packages [1] in experimental. Now, a
> few months later, they are mature enough to be used in actual
> production environments. In addition, Sarge is out of the door (YAY!),
> so it's high time to break unstable again. :-)
> The packages have lived in Debian experimental for a while now and are
> tested by several people (who also write bug reports). Currently they
> have no open bugs and support all the features that the Sarge version
> did. However, the new structure is much easier to maintain and
> develop, and also offers many new features for users (multi-version,
> multi-cluster, painless upgrades, see [2]).
> I will upload the new packages to unstable very soon. This has a
> reasonably big impact to all packages that depend/build-depend on
> PostgreSQL since the package structure changed a bit:
> (1) postgresql-dev was split into libpq-dev (for client apps like
> postfix or pygresql) and postgresql-server-dev-<version> for server
> extensions (like postgresql-plruby and postgresql-ocaml).
> (2) PostgreSQL 8.0 brought a new SONAME for libpq (libpq4), which
> removed a few symbols which were only intended for internal use,
> but were used nevertheless by some client apps (like "psql").
> libpq4 can talk to all PostgreSQL servers back to 7.3 (same like
> libpq3).
> (1) makes all packages FTBFS that build-depend on postgresql-dev (I
> CC'ed all affected packages). These need to be changed to depend on
> libpq-dev, and make buildable again. This will automatically care for
> (2) since libpq-dev makes the package depend on libpq4 then.
> The steps to adapt a client-side application to the new structure are:
> 1. Change the build-dependency postgresql-dev to libpq-dev.
> 2. Fix include directory path:
> - Very few packages use pg_config to determine include and library
> directories (e. g. pygresql). In this case no additional changes
> should be required any more. pg_config has been there for ages,
> but apparently nobody bothered to use it.
> - If the package does not use pg_config, then the ideal solution is
> to convert it to do so. This is easily possible for almost all
> packages (e. g. in debian/rules, add a configure option like
> --with-pgsql-include=`pg_config --includedir`).
> - If the packaging hardcodes include paths and has a crappy build
> system (cyrus-sasl2 was a pretty nonstandard one), then the quick
> fix is to hardcode the path for now (/usr/include/postgresql/8.0);
> however, this is not very robust, and it would be nice to
> eventually convert the package to use pg_config.
> 3. Test build. As a rule of thumb, if the package builds, it works.
> libpq-dev mainly changed paths and has a new library SONAME
> behind (libpq4), but the client library did not change any
> interface and thus should be fully backwards compatible.
> 4. Upload. :-)
> I already did these steps for a fair number of packages. So if you
> maintain one of the packages that have a debdiff at [3], you are lucky
> and only need to apply the patch there (however, cyrus-sasl2 and
> dovecot were nasty cases where the path has been hardcoded for now;
> this should be improved). The debdiffs were made for Ubuntu packages
> since I could upload them straight away. So the changelog patch will
> fail to apply, but the rest should be fine.
> The server-side packages are more delicate, though. Ideally they would
> be repackaged to build a module for all supported PostgreSQL versions
> (i. e. postgresql-7.4-plr, postgresql-8.0-plr, and so on). I will
> finish plr soon to show an example of how this is supposed to look
> like. Peter Eisentraut will package PL/Java soon. If you maintain such
> a package, please consider subscribing to [4] to coordinate the
> effort.
> Although the new packages will make all the client packages FTBFS, I
> will upload them to unstable soon, because:
> * The already built client app debs will just continue to work.
> * There is a clean upgrade path from the old postgresql package to
> the new one (just dist-upgrade).
> * Sid will be broken for a fair amount of time anyway since there are
> more transitions ahead of us (g++ 4.0, dbus, etc.)
> This mail already became longer than intended, so if you have any
> question, please contact [4] or me personally.
> Thanks and have a nice day!
> Martin
> [1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2005/03/msg01858.html
> [2] http://people.debian.org/~mpitt/postgresql-ng.html
> [3] http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/postgresql-transition/
> [4] http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/pkg-postgresql-public
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