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Re: [Pkg-grass-general] New gdal package

On Fri, Dec 10, 2004 at 02:21:48PM +0100, Thomas Sondag wrote:
> hi,
> Great thanks, for fixing #278539 .
> I recently dicover a lot of useful tools (for me) in gdal pymod dir too :
> epsg_tr.py
> esri2wkt.py
> gcps2wld.py
> gdal2xyz.py
> gdal_merge.py
> gdalchksum.py
> gdalimport.py
> pct2rgb.py
> rgb2pct.py
> I use only pct2rgb.py and rgb2pct.py with tiff, but may be that's can be 
> useful to make another package for it ?

You are of course right. I thought that I did already include them
in one of the packages but it is not true. 

I am not sure whether I should
- include it into gdal-bin and make gdal-bin dependent on
- include it into python-gdal
- make a new package 

I tend to the third option. What do you think?


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