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Re: [Pkg-grass-general] I love this

On Wed, Sep 29, 2004 at 11:27:48PM -0400, Fred McDavid wrote:
> Debian and GIS.  It's like chocolate and peanut-butter...and maybe some beer 
> and super-models...who like me...but I digress.

If we are speaking of male super-models, too, this, might fit for me
as well. But beeing a woman I am not that interested in female
super-models ;-) ...but you are right, let's come back to the main
topic of this list.

> I'd like to throw out there that ossim should definitely make the list.
> Also, how does one handle situations like the one that exists with php and 
> mapserver.  Mapserver requires php be compiled to use the system regex.  I 
> assume this breaks things with some php setups out there (although, for all I 
> know, it may not impact end-users at all).  Do you have to maintain second 
> versions of php (and any other software with similar situations)?  Dropping 
> php-mapscript would be an option, but a bad one, in my opinion.

This let's think me of another very important section on the
website: we should document the known open issues for getting
packages into debian or why several parts have been let out etc.

For the first step I find it better to have mapserver in debian
without php-mapscript than not to have it in debian. But you are
right that we should solve the problem.

> What do people that know do in situations like this? If this is documented 
> somewhere, a url would be good enough.  I don't mind R'ing FM's...I'm just 
> not sure how to search for or properly describe this sort of situation.

What does R'ing FM's mean? 



Silke Reimer

Intevation GmbH                      http://intevation.de/
FreeGIS                                http://freegis.org/

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