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Handling GCC-related orphan bugs


I noticed that there are these orphan bugs (no maintainer set, the
package that they are filed against is not present in Debian anymore).
Perhaps there are some false positives or missing ones.

They were gathered from [1], and the ones related to GCC are filteerd
and pasted in the attached file (the list "flattened" to single lines
in a text file, easy to parse e.g. to extract bug numbers and reassign
in bulk).

[1] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?maint=
      ^- (yes, with empy "maint" parameter)

What should be done with them, reassign?  To which package, then?


PS: Not subscribed to the list.

Attachment: gcc-bugs-filtered
Description: Binary data

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