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Re: Why must libstdc++-dev depend on gcc?

Arthur Loiret wrote:
2007/9/20, Phil Endecott <phil_efaej_endecott@chezphil.org>:
Yes.  g++ (cross compiler) is installed on my PC.  The PC mounts the
NSLU2's filesystem using NFS.  I want to install libstdc++ on the NSLU2
so that the cross compiler on the PC can use it.  I do not plan to use
the native g++ on the NSLU2.

This is not the right way to do this, you must get the binary .deb for
arm on your PC first (you can use apt-file or go get it on

Then, use dpkg-cross:

Hi Arthur,

I have used dpkg-cross extensively in the past. I am now trying this alternative approach, which seems to work well except for libstdc++. For a typical package X I can simply install X and X-dev on the ARM system and the cross-compiler will see the includes files. But it does not work for libstdc++. So, is there a reason why libstdc++-dev must depend on g++?

(If you search for my name on debian-embedded you'll find that I pop up every six months ago to complain that "apt-cross has broken my package database" or similar. I like the idea of apt/dpkg-cross, but in practice it has not worked well for me.)



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