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array wrapper


   thank you for maintaining gcc and libraries.

Inspired a little by libstdc++5-doc:
I use attached array wrapper.

    Probably it could be useful for others, but don't know where to post

    It is nice to erite in my numerical program

WALK_THROUGH_WITH(Elements, e) {
	// compute something on element *e

   instaed of fidling with pointers. I pay nothing for it, no run time,
no memory.

	Best regards


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 *	Demo of the not so big generalization (templating) of the array;
 *	Hans Ginzel <hans@matfyz.cz>
 *	created: 7.1.2003

#include	<iostream>

#include	"array.h"

#define		E_MEM	5

int compare_int(const void *aa, const void *bb) {
		const int	*a = (const int *)aa,
					*b = (const int *)bb;
		return *a < *b ? -1
			:  *a > *b ?  1
			: 0;

int main() {
	TArray<int, unsigned int>	A;

	if (A.Init(5)==0) {
		cerr << "Cannot allocate memory for Container" << endl;
		return E_MEM;

	cout << "A.size = " << A.size() << endl;
	cout << "A[3] = " << A[3] << endl;

	int i=10;
	for (typeof(A.begin()) c = A.begin(); A.eof(c); A.next(c), i--) {
			*c = i*i;
			cout << *c << endl;
			if (i==7) cerr << "Item "	// n-th element, indexing from zero
						   << A.index(c) << " contains error." << endl;


	cout << endl << "Sorted: " << endl;
	WALK_THROUGH_WITH(A, c) { cout << *c << endl; }

	typeofAI(A) n = A.index(1);
	unsigned int o = 2;
	cout << endl << "A[1] = " << *n
		 << "\t A[2+2] = " << *A.offset(n, o) << endl;

	return 0;

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 *	Not so big generalization (templating) of the array;
 *	without any peformance or memory lost.
 *	Hans Ginzel <hans@matfyz.cz>
 *	created: 7.1.2003
 *	Probably use -O3 or -finline-functions by compiling.
 *	See /usr/share/doc/gcc-3.2-base/libstdc++/html/23_containers/wrappers_h.txt
 *	This header file is free software WITHOUT ANY WARANTY;
 *	you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
 *	GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html).

#ifndef	ARRAY_H
#define	ARRAY_H

#include <stdlib.h>

#define	ptr_int	long

template <class T, class N>

class TArray {

	N				 _n;
	T				*_p;


	TArray()		 { _p = 0; _n = 0; }
	~TArray()		 { if (_p!=0) { delete[] _p; } }

	inline N		 Init	(const N n)			{ _p = new T[n];
												  return _n = _p==0 ? 0 : n; }

	inline T *		 begin	() const 			{ return _p; }
	inline T *		 end	() const			{ return _p + _n; }
	inline bool		 begof	(const T *p) const	{ return  p < _p; }			// prior to begin of array
	inline bool		 eof	(const T *p) const	{ return  p >= _p + _n; }	// beyond the end of array
	inline T *		 next	(T *&p) const		{ return  p++; }
	inline T *		 prev	(T *&p) const 		{ return  p--; }
	inline T *		 succ	(T *&p) const 		{ return  p+1; }
	inline T *		 prec	(T *&p) const 		{ return  p-1; }
	inline T *		 first	() const	 		{ return _p; }
	inline T *		 last	() const	 		{ return _p + _n - 1; }

	inline T &		 operator [] (N const i)	{ return _p[i]; }

	inline T *		 index	(const N n) const	{ return _p + n; }
	inline N		 index	(T *p) const		{ return (N)(p - _p); }
	inline N		 size	() const			{ return _n; }

	inline T *		 offset	(T *p,
				const signed ptr_int o) const	{ return  p + o; }

	inline void		 sort	()	{ qsort(_p, _n, sizeof(T), &T::compare); }	// Declare compare() static in T!
	inline void		 sort	( int(*compare)(const void *, const void *) )
								{ qsort(_p, _n, sizeof(T), compare); }
	inline void		 sort	( T *start, N count )
								{ qsort(start, count, sizeof(T), &T::compare); }
	inline void		 sort	( T *start, N count,
									int(*compare)(const void *, const void *) )
								{ qsort(start, count, sizeof(T), compare); }


#define typeofAI(A)					typeof((A).begin())	// typeof(Array.Item) *
#define WALK_THROUGH_WITH(A, v)		for (typeofAI(A) (v) = (A).begin();\
											! (A).eof((v)); A.next((v)))
#undef ptr_int

#endif /*ARRAY_H*/

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