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Compilation de sources


J'essaye de compiler smpeg et gtv sur mon linux debian potato afin d'espérer
d'avoir un affichage plus fluide en compilant pour pentium, j'ai un 133Mhz.

J'ai donc installé les sources de smpeg.

Malheureusement quand je tape make all, seuls 'plaympeg' et 'gtv' sont créés,
pas 'smpeg'.
Savez-vous comment je peux compiler smpeg ? Lorsque je tape la commande 'make
smpeg' j'ai les erreurs indiquées ci-dessous :

Merci de votre aide,



bash-2.03$ make smpeg
c++ -g -O2 -I/usr/include/SDL -D_REENTRANT -I.. -DNOCONTROLS
-I/usr/lib/glib/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -I. -I./audio -I./video
-fno-exceptions -fno-rtti    smpeg.cpp   -o smpeg
/usr/lib/crt1.o: In function `_start':
/usr/lib/crt1.o(.text+0x18): undefined reference to `main'
/tmp/ccdb9oPa.o: In function `SMPEG_playAudio':
/home/thomtest/src/smpeg-0.3.3/smpeg.cpp:191: undefined reference to
`Play_MPEGaudio(void *, unsigned char *, int)'
/tmp/ccdb9oPa.o: In function `SMPEG_wantedSpec':
/home/thomtest/src/smpeg-0.3.3/MPEG.h:240: undefined reference to
`MPEGaudio::WantedSpec(SDL_AudioSpec *)'
/tmp/ccdb9oPa.o: In function `SMPEG_actualSpec':
/home/thomtest/src/smpeg-0.3.3/MPEG.h:246: undefined reference to
`MPEGaudio::ActualSpec(SDL_AudioSpec const *)'
/tmp/ccdb9oPa.o: In function `SMPEG_getinfo':
/home/thomtest/src/smpeg-0.3.3/smpeg.cpp:74: undefined reference to
`MPEGstream::MPEGstream(unsigned char *, unsigned int, unsigned char)'
/tmp/ccdb9oPa.o: In function `SMPEG_setdisplay':
/home/thomtest/src/smpeg-0.3.3/smpeg.cpp:129: undefined reference to
/tmp/ccdb9oPa.o: In function `SMPEG_double':
/home/thomtest/src/smpeg-0.3.3/smpeg.cpp:141: undefined reference to
/home/thomtest/src/smpeg-0.3.3/smpeg.cpp:141: undefined reference to
/tmp/ccdb9oPa.o: In function `SMPEG_pause':
/home/thomtest/src/smpeg-0.3.3/smpeg.cpp:159: undefined reference to
`MPEGaudio::MPEGaudio(MPEGstream *, bool)'
/tmp/ccdb9oPa.o: In function `SMPEG_rewind':
/home/thomtest/src/smpeg-0.3.3/smpeg.cpp:171: undefined reference to
`MPEGvideo::MPEGvideo(MPEGstream *)'
/tmp/ccdb9oPa.o: In function `MPEG::RenderFinal(SDL_Surface *, int, int)':
/home/thomtest/src/smpeg-0.3.3/MPEG.h(.MPEG::gnu.linkonce.t.(unsigned char *,
unsigned int, unsigned char, bool)+0x17): undefined reference to
`MPEGstream::MPEGstream(unsigned char *, unsigned int, unsigned char)'
/tmp/ccdb9oPa.o: In function `SMPEG_enableaudio':
/home/thomtest/src/smpeg-0.3.3/MPEG.h:143: undefined reference to
/tmp/ccdb9oPa.o: In function `SMPEG_enablevideo':
/home/thomtest/src/smpeg-0.3.3/smpeg.cpp:90: undefined reference to
/tmp/ccdb9oPa.o: In function `SMPEG_enablevideo':
/home/thomtest/src/smpeg-0.3.3/MPEG.h:154: undefined reference to
/tmp/ccdb9oPa.o: In function `SMPEG_status':
/home/thomtest/src/smpeg-0.3.3/smpeg.cpp:102: undefined reference to
`MPEGaudio::MPEGaudio(MPEGstream *, bool)'
/tmp/ccdb9oPa.o: In function `SMPEG_setvolume':
/home/thomtest/src/smpeg-0.3.3/smpeg.cpp:121: undefined reference to
`MPEGvideo::MPEGvideo(MPEGstream *)'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [smpeg] Erreur 1

Gaël Pegliasco (mailto:gael.pegliasco@infonet.fr)
E-CONCEPTS - Groupe INFO-NET Systèmes - (http://www.infonet.fr)
BP 33717 - 44337 Nantes cedex 3 - France
Tél. +33 (0)2 40 50 14 19 - Fax : +33 (0)2 40 50 68 76

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