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apt-get source --compile postfix

voila donc le Makefile de pcre
En effet, lorsque je compile postfix, ce dernier me sort le message
d'erreur suivant:
gcc -wmissing-prototypes -DHAS_PCRE -DPATH_DB_H='<db185.h>' -g -02 -I.
DLINUX2 -c dict_pcre.c
dict_pcre.c:60: pcre.h: no such file or directory

Par contre une fois compilé en statique, faut il l'installer dans un
répertoire propre à postfix?

Chmouel Boudjnah a écrit :
> Vincent Heurteaux <v.heurteaux@tour-du-valat.com> writes:
> > excusez moi j'ai oublié les lignes du dessus.
> >
> > # Options for compiling executables and static library modules
> > #
> > # Use CFLAGS = -DUSE_BCOPY on SunOS4 and any other system that lacks the
> > # memmove() function, but has bcopy().
> > #
> > # Use CFLAGS = -DSTRERROR_FROM_ERRLIST on SunOS4 and any other system
> > that
> > # lacks the strerror() function, but can provide the equivalent by
> > indexing
> > # into errlist.
> > CFLAGS = -O2
> Quelle programme exactement ou pouvais vous m'envoyez le Makefile en
> entier ?
> --
> Chmouel
> --
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# Make file for PCRE (Perl-Compatible Regular Expression) library.

# Edit these definitions for your system

# Should shared libraries be built: uncomment this to build them

# C Compiler to use 
CC = gcc

# Options for compiling executables and static library modules
# Use CFLAGS = -DUSE_BCOPY on SunOS4 and any other system that lacks the
# memmove() function, but has bcopy().
# Use CFLAGS = -DSTRERROR_FROM_ERRLIST on SunOS4 and any other system that
# lacks the strerror() function, but can provide the equivalent by indexing
# into errlist.
CFLAGS = -static

# Command used to index static libraries
# It is believed that RANLIB=ranlib is required for AIX, BSDI, FreeBSD, Linux,
# MIPS RISCOS, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Digital Unix, and Ultrix.
#RANLIB = @true
RANLIB = ranlib

# Options for compiling shared library modules

# Command to build a shared library
# $@ will be replaced by the name of the library, eg libpcre.so.1
MK-SHARED-LIB = gcc -shared -Wl,-soname,$@ -o $@ -lc

# Options to add a run-time library path to a program. This is used when
# building pcretest, and allows the tests to be run with the libraries still
# in this directory. This allows the libraries to be tested before they're
# installed over the old working set!
RPATH = -Wl,-rpath,.

# Everything below this line should not need modification

OBJ = chartables.o study.o pcre.o
PICOBJ = chartables.o-pic study.o-pic pcre.o-pic

ifdef BUILD-SHARED # Building shared libs
all:            libpcre.a libpcreposix.a libpcre.so.1 libpcreposix.so.1 \
							pcretest pgrep

# This assumes that anyone building shared libraries will want to use
# them for pgrep and pcretest. Is this a good assumption?

pgrep:          libpcre.so.1 pgrep.o
		$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o pgrep pgrep.o libpcre.so.1

pcretest:       libpcre.so.1 libpcreposix.so.1 pcretest.o
		$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o pcretest pcretest.o libpcre.so.1 \
				libpcreposix.so.1 $(RPATH)

else # Not building shared libs
all:		libpcre.a libpcreposix.a pcretest pgrep

pgrep:		libpcre.a pgrep.o
		$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o pgrep pgrep.o libpcre.a

pcretest:	libpcre.a libpcreposix.a pcretest.o
		$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o pcretest pcretest.o libpcre.a libpcreposix.a

# Libraries

libpcre.so.1:	$(PICOBJ)

libpcre.a:      $(OBJ)
		/bin/rm -f libpcre.a
		ar cq libpcre.a $(OBJ)
		$(RANLIB) libpcre.a

libpcreposix.so.1: pcreposix.o-pic
		$(MK-SHARED-LIB) -L. -lpcre pcreposix.o-pic
libpcreposix.a: pcreposix.o
		/bin/rm -f libpcreposix.a
		ar cq libpcreposix.a pcreposix.o
		$(RANLIB) libpcreposix.a

# Object files for libraries

pcre.o:         pcre.c pcre.h internal.h
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) pcre.c

pcre.o-pic:	pcre.c pcre.h internal.h
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS-PIC) -o $@ pcre.c

pcreposix.o:    pcreposix.c pcreposix.h internal.h
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) pcreposix.c

pcreposix.o-pic:	pcreposix.c pcreposix.h internal.h
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS-PIC) -o $@ pcreposix.c

chartables.o:   chartables.c
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) chartables.c

chartables.o-pic:	chartables.c
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS-PIC) -o $@ chartables.c

study.o:        study.c pcre.h internal.h
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) study.c

study.o-pic:    study.c pcre.h internal.h
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS-PIC) -o $@ study.c

# Object files for extra programs

pcretest.o:     pcretest.c pcre.h
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) pcretest.c

pgrep.o:        pgrep.c pcre.h
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) pgrep.c

# An auxiliary program makes the character tables

chartables.c:    maketables
		./maketables >chartables.c

maketables:     maketables.c
		$(CC) -o maketables $(CFLAGS) maketables.c

# Regression test

test: 		all

		# First test
	        ./pcretest testinput >my-testoutput
	        diff -u3 testoutput my-testoutput

		# Second test
	        ./pcretest -i testinput2 >my-testoutput2
	        diff -u3 testoutput2 my-testoutput2

		rm my-testoutput*

# We deliberately omit maketables and chartables.c from 'make clean'; once made
# chartables.c shouldn't change, and if people have edited the tables by hand,
# you don't want to throw them away.

clean:;         rm -f *.o *.o-pic *.a *.so* pcretest pgrep

distclean:	clean
		rm -f maketables chartables.c

# Declare which targets are phony, i.e. do not really result in files of 
# that name

.PHONY:	all test clean distclean

# End

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