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[Freedombox-discuss] fbx.freedomboxfoundation.org mumble server certificate change

Hello all,

I just moved our Mumble/Murmur server, fbx.freedomboxfoundation.org,
onto a fresh VM.  (The old VM was on a server cluster I'm trying to get
rid of.)

Whilst doing this, I replaced the server certificate, so the next time
you connect, the Mumble client will warn you about the unfamiliar
certificate.  To verify that you aren't the victim of a MITM attack, hit
"View Certificate" and verify that the "Digest (SHA-1)" is:

I believe that the new server should otherwise be indistinguishable from
the old one.  Do please let me know if there are problems.

Thanks for your patience!

Have a good one,
Daniel Gnoutcheff

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