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[Freedombox-discuss] Steps for integrating in Monkeysphere to Freedombox

[Marc Jones]
> As we discussed before we want to get the SSL Client certificate auth
> integrated into freedombox for the 0.8 release. I put a proposal in to
> present a libreplanet in March and I think this would be a cool thing to
> show off.

I have never quite understood what Monkeysphere does, or in what use
case it is useful.  Could you perhaps explain a bit more which users
such authentication would be useful for, and how the user would operate
to make use of these SSL client certificates?  Where would Monkeysphere
fit in?

> But I think it will be a great foundation to doing more stuff because
> it is a first step in having our freedomboxes know about PGP. (Maybe
> one day we can use PGP to allow FBXs to exchange data with each
> other. FBX backups perhaps!)

I agree we should get PGP/GPG stuff into the default Freedombox setup,
and I would really love it for us ot support OpenPGP smart cards out of
the box, allowing us to store the GPG key on the box in a way that would
block it from being easily copied out of the box.

My initial testing using gpg2 and a smart card on Raspberry Pi did not
work.  I never had time to check why not, and hope the issue will not
block me from using GPG with RPI as my FreedomBox.

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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