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[Freedombox-discuss] [DC206] FreedomBox Event Tuesday!!

Lee Fisher writes:
> As I mentioned in post earlier today, Nick *might* be doing a 2600
> Meeting talk this Friday, if there is sufficient interest for thost
> that missed it. Let Nick know if you have an interest.

I do not currently expect to be able to make the 2600 meeting.  I'll
try, particularly if folks from the list express interest, but given the
travel time involved, it seems like I'm cutting time much too close for
comfort (I do have a plane to catch, after all).  If I'm able to make
it, I'll be there from 7 - 8 and happy to present or Q&A, but I can't
promise things at this point.  My apologies, but also my thanks to the
amazing folks from BLR (Lee, Maureen, Will) for making Tuesday possible.

In short: FaceBook, Google, the advertisers, et al., should be worried:
the right to private communication is a moral issue.  Offending the
moral sense of free software developers is not, traditionally, a good
long-term business investment.  Nonetheless, the most difficult issues
are social ones.  These too, should be straightforward: we can use the
PGP Web of Trust to reduce the technological problems to their social
components.  When your options are between talking with your friends, or
talking with your friends without endemic Internet stalking, the choice
is pretty easy.

The 0.1 FreedomBox version has been released and we're working on a
beta.  The 0.1 has a web-proxy to hide you from many advertisers and
other observers.  The weekly images can also serve as a wireless router
and contains an experimental communication tool that can be used to
dynamically set up VPNs between systems.

Development is going, but slower than it should.  To go faster, we need
more developers with consciences to come out of the woodwork, subscribe
to the mailing list [0], join us on IRC [1], and fork a repository to
fix some TODOs [2].  Please reach out if you're interested, we'd love
the help.  If your experience is anything like mine, it might even earn
you some free pizza.

Thanks for your time,

0: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/freedombox-discuss

1: #freedombox on irc://irc.oftc.net

2: https://www.betweennowhere.net/tracker/freedombox-images/freedombox-unstable_2012.1021/

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