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[Freedombox-discuss] No need for new software components?

On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 10:06:39AM +0100, Tom Jaster wrote:

>what i really would like to see is a mailserver consisting of MTA MDA 
>and MRA in one binary relying on a couchDB storage written in 
>erlang/python or something.
>As all of the parts of mailservers nowadays are running on the same 
>machine, this would reduce configuration and maintenance a lot compared 
>to normal mail servers.
>Using couchDB would also have the benefit of the possibillity of 
>storing jabber/icq chat messages in one place where the history could 
>synch with all your clients safely (I really hate the current situation 
>of loosing messages or getting them to the wrong client).

Agreed: Would be awesome with a lightweight integrated messaging tool 
for both push-style (i.e. email) and pull-style (i.e. Jabber).

>Sadly such sw doesnt exist until now, could be a subproject. If the 
>current tools are shitty we should rahter create new ones than using 

I would call it a _different_ project than FreedomBox, to not clutter 
the vision.  Certainly a project highly interesting for this FreedomBox 
to follow and potentially adopt the fruits of when production ready and 
intgrated with Debian, but separate - like most of the marvellous ideas 
on new inventions that have been raised here.

To me FreedomBox is not an invention, it is existing Freedoms in an 
existing box. :-)

  - Jonas

  * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
  * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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