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[Freedombox-discuss] Sunday US-morning/euro-afternoon hacker session in #freedombox on irc.oftc.net

On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 09:24:55AM +0100, Michiel de Jong wrote:
>I would like to just experiment with an example server, install some 
>services on them, and see how they run. Sort of like a live demo. Just 
>see if we can get it working, get our hands dirty, explore questions 
>and issues that arise as we go along, and have some innocent geek fun.

Yay! Way to go: Act on your own, and share it with us, so we can be 
inspired to either replicate or do something else - and tell _that_ here 
so that perhaps you by the actions of others learn if other appreaches 
are more beneficial _and_ still fuels your passion as a volunteer. :-)

>The product/result would be a VM snapshot of some kind, that obviously 
>wouldn't be a shippable (let alone maintainable!), nor would it aim to 
>be. But it could maybe serve as a focal point for what we're talking 
>about when the real Debian people assemble the real Pure Blend.

I dare repreat myself: Please have a look at live-builder and try 
generate a Live-CD with that framework.  From the many possible 
approaches, VM snapshot and FAI being other ones, I currently feel that 
the live-builder approach is the one most easy to transition into a 
proper Debian Pure Blend later.

The keyword here is "transition": Yes, I could look at whatever mashup 
you'd thrown together and be inspired by that in a recreation from 
scratch myself using different tools for a Debian Pure Blend.  But I 
don't want to recreate from scratch.  I want to provide you clues as to 
have you yourself can be involved in the iterative process of cleaning 
up the build process - for as long as you can stay interested in it.

  - Jonas

  * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
  * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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