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Re: Charis SIL Compact font

Dear Zoltan,

Zoltan Kiraly <zolikydev@gmail.com> writes:

> Dear Debian Task Force Team,
> I'm writing to request an update for the "fonts-sil-charis-compact" package
> in Debian. Approximately one year ago, I contacted SIL regarding this font
> package, specifically asking them to include two new symbols to enhance its
> usability within Emacs Org mode. SIL has kindly addressed this request, as
> evidenced by the following GitHub issue:
> https://github.com/silnrsi/font-charis/issues/8

Are you able to file a bug with:

  reportbug fonts-sil-charis


If so, that's the thing to do, because it creates a record of the
bug/issue/feature request.  This will be a normal priority bug if you
make its primary purpose "import new upstream release".

> I understand that maintaining Debian packages involves various
> considerations, and I greatly appreciate the hard work and dedication of
> the Debian Task Force Team in this regard.

Thanks!  On this topic, fonts-sil-charis is in a bad state from my
perspective, because it's using a release tarball that doesn't include
source, and it should be using a source tarball.  eg:


Of course this is the human maintainers' prerogative.

P.S. The watch file is broken, and I suspect this may be the case for
many team packages that were broken by github changes.  This might be a
nice project for a new contributor and/or lintian-brush.

> Thank you for your attention to this matter.

You're welcome.  I hope you'll file that bug :)


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