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RFNs in SPDX 3.8

Hi all to-whom-it-may-concern,

Version 3.8 of the SPDX License List is out (live at https://spdx.org/licenses/ plus succinct release notes for 3.8 at https://github.com/spdx/license-list-XML/releases/tag/v3.8 ...).

For font-packaging fans, there is one change of note in this release, which is that it is now possible to distinguish between OFL fonts that include a reserved font name (RFN) and those that do not.

To provide backward compatibility, the existing OFL license identifiers (OFL-1.0 and OFL-1.1) are both still there and unaltered. But there are also four new identifiers available:

  • OFL-1.0-RFN
  • OFL-1.0-no-RFN
  • OFL-1.1-RFN
  • OFL-1.1-no-RFN

  • So that any OFL package can specify whether or not there's an RFN that applies, and (hopefully) tooling can check for that distinction and prevent accidental RFN loss and/or violations!

    Obviously that won't happen overnight, but I for one am happy to see that we can finally keep track of RFN information at the license-compliance level; I think that it's going to make type designers and package maintainers both sleep a little bit easier at night.

    I'm also interested in figuring out what changes or machinery we need to update to make this work smoothly in Debian, so if you have input on that, please share!


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