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Re: [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#838741: freeorion-data: should depend on ‘fonts-roboto’

On 26.09.2016 10:06, Ben Finney wrote:
> On 24-Sep-2016, Markus Koschany wrote:
>> in my opinion this is a general issue with fonts-roboto-hinted and
>> its use of Conflicts. I don't see a reason why the -hinted and
>> -unhinted fonts should conflict with each other since all files are
>> installed into different directories.
> Okay. I don't quite understand your position; could you report this as
> a bug on the ‘fonts-roboto*’ packages?

I've already reassigned this bug report to fonts-roboto-hinted. See


and the merged bug 838199.

> I'd like to see this resolved, in whatever way is right, so that these
> packages can be installed together properly.

Sure. I want the same. The correct way to address this issue is to
remove the Conflicts field in fonts-roboto-hinted though since it does
not serve any purpose and causes the installation issue in the first place.


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