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[Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#835273: Bug#835273: Bug#835273: Bug#835273: Bug#835273: fonts-liberation: Liberation 2 fonts poorly hinted

Am Freitag, den 26.08.2016, 12:17 +0000 schrieb Holger Levsen:
> seems good to me too.

I will re-upload 1.07.x soon.

Also, I have an idea for fonts-liberation 2.x: I'd like to package them
in a separate source package and make the binary package co-installable 
with fonts-liberation 1.07.x by installing the actual TTF files into a
different directory (e.g. /u/s/fonts/liberation2). Since the fonts
share the same names, fontconfig will always prefer the 2.x variants
because of their higher version numbers. This way, it is possible to
override fonts-liberation for most packages using fontforge (and not
explicitely accessing the fonts by full path) while still keeping the
Sans Narrow variant available. I would document this in README.Debian.

What do you think?

 - Fabian

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