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Re: [Pkg-fonts-devel] How to get fontconfig to use fonts.conf files stored in /etc/fonts/conf.d

On 6/8/06, Christian Perrier <bubulle@debian.org> wrote:
....which does not explain me why it couldn't be possible to work with
the freefont maintainer to improve these issues.

Of course, one would need better arguments than "from questionable
sources" but I actually see no reason for him to not be opened to
enhancement suggestions.

He's quite slow in fixing stuff but he also works pretty much alone so
I wouldn't rant too much about his work.

Heh, no I've worked with Primoz Peterlin, and no I don't have complaints regarding his speed. :)

Primoz is slowly putting in glyphs for the more important languages, but that is not the answer to this problem. Anyway, I've asked people on Indlinux to contribute config files. I'll put them in and see if that improves the result. It is slightly irritating to handle bugs every couple of months that scream ttf-indic-fonts doesn't render <Indic-language> properly.

Soumyadip Modak
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